Budoubatake (Hishiyama Chuo Winery)
Budoubatake (Hishiyama Chuo Winery)
A traditional family-run outfit that still crushes grapes by hand in small wooden presses. Grape farmers, they also run a pick-your-own-grapes stand and sell table grapes and raisins. Old-school, label-less wines. Mainly Koshu, Muscat Bailey A and Delaware.
Opening hours (August - October): 8:00 - 17:00 Every day
Opening hours (November - July): 9:00 - 16:00 Weekends and National Holidays only (phone at other times to see if they are about)
Tastings: Yes
Website: budoubatake.net/wine.html (Japanese only)
Tel: +81 (0)553 44 0356